Taking Breaks
We all need breaks from time to time. Whether it be work, hobbies, social circles, or exercise we eventually have to take some space to keep fresh.
It can seem counter intuitive when it's the very thing you're taking a break from is something that otherwise is so positive for your mental and/or physical health. Alas, sometimes even habits that are good for us can have negative side effects, and pausing allows us to gain perspective and reflect.
We don't always have such conscious decisions to take a break from something, sometimes the reprieve from habits is essentially forced on us.
I've been taking a break the last 6 weeks or so. I've fiddled in the shop a little bit trying to clean up a bit or playing around with the laser cutter we added recently. But I haven't really built anything. This break is largely unwanted and forced on me, but not by others but by fate and mental health instead.
On Halloween our cat Patches died suddenly while we traveling in Norway. We don't know why, but she was only 11 and in otherwise great health. She has been a constant companion to me since the day I found her at the animal shelter, and not least of which in the shop.
Patches always loved dirtying herself on the shop floor while rolling around, and jumping up on all the bench or tabletop surfaces to investigate and help out. One of my favorites was when I was hand carving a scalloping texture in to a chessboard 's trim and she insisted on laying on my lap while I did so. That was also a rare occasion where I was actually able to continue what I was doing while she got comfy.
This break has been because of losing her. Not just because of her time in the shop, but just the zapping of creativity that comes with grieving. As the grief progressed, it became somewhat of a deliberate choice to wait on any projects, though.
I of course immediately knew I was going to be making her urn, and have worked out what I want to do for it. This break of mine has continued as I wait to get her ashes back so that I can properly begin making her urn.
But, today is the day Patches comes home so it's time for the break to be over. I might need to get some Wenge for what I have in mind, but should have enough Canary and Maple already. More to come on the build itself.